Guidelines for Grant Applicants
We can consider applications from individuals or families in crisis, for a grant to relieve hardship. We can only assist those who are living in Walthamstow or Chingford at the time of their application. The majority of the grants awarded are to assist applicants who are moving into a new home from a hostel or other temporary accommodation, and we do require applicants to first apply to the Waltham Forest Local Welfare Assistance (LWA) scheme for the household items that LWA may be able to help with. The LWA does have restrictions on who is able to apply for help, for example LWA has a 6-month residency in Waltham Forest requirement. The charity may be able to assist an applicant in such circumstances, even if the LWA is unable to consider the application. More information can be obtained from the LBWF website.
The charity receives most applications via referrals from other agencies such as social and health services, housing and other charities working with the disadvantaged, but you can apply yourself, just make a note on the form if you do have a support worker, such as a social worker or housing officer that can assist with verifying your situation. You will usually be visited by charity staff before a grant can be considered, particularly if you are applying directly and not via a support worker.
Applications must be made on the form that can be downloaded and completed on a computer or other device or printed and filled in, and either emailed or posted, the addresses are listed on the contacts page. Please read the guidelines carefully and make sure you have provided all the information and documentation required otherwise consideration of your application maybe delayed or possibly not considered at all.
Guidelines for Grant applicants – Organisations
WCAC’s grant making focuses on the direct relief of financial need, for example purchasing household goods for individuals and families with a low income. The Charity will consider funding other charities and organisations that assist people in this way, including those, for example that help people into work, or provide debt advice and assistance or provide other services that have a direct and a positive impact on the financial need of their beneficiaries.
If you believe your organisation fulfils the criteria and wish to apply for grant funding, the Charity has a two stage application process.
Please first send an outline proposal, that sets out:
- What the project is
- How will the project fulfil Walthamstow and Chingford Almshouse Charity’s objective of the Relief of Financial Need
- A breakdown of the cost of the project
- Details of any other funding applied for
Your first stage proposal will be considered by the Charity’s Directors and you will be informed whether or not you may submit a full application on the Charity’s application form.